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Coates Piano Service

Coates Piano Service Listens

Coates Piano Service is here to help you.  Perhaps you need help talking through your needs to improve your piano.  Or if you are buying or selling a piano you may need to talk with a knowledgeable person who has your best interests in mind.  If you want to improve your piano, the easiest way is to tune and clean it regularly.  Please read what the piano manufacturers recommend for annual maintenance at The Piano Technicians  Regular tuning and cleaning avoids costly repairs in the future and maintains an investment in your home’s enjoyment of music.  Pictures are worth a thousand words and help me discuss your piano's condition.  With almost 50 years of experience I am able to help you just by looking at pictures you text or email me.  Here are examples of views that help:  Photo Examples.


For those wishing to improve their piano beyond Sioux Falls Best Piano Tuning and Cleaning there are many options available.  I have a store of knowledge from a lifetime of working on pianos.

Quality Work That Rings True

Embracing old and new

technologies, Tim Coates has

become a leader in sound

enhancement.  Whether it’s

your home instrument or one

destined for the concert stage,

each piano receives the same

level of attention.  From tuning

to the finite details that form its

character, the sound will ring

truer than you imagine.